Saturday, April 21, 2018
Purrfect Spots: Welcome to the Northern Woods "Furball"!
Purrfect Spots: Welcome to the Northern Woods "Furball"!: What a week it has been it has been sharing my Signature Collection , Northern Woods by Kathy Engle for Island Batik! Molly Bear has be...
Purrfect Spots: Use It Up and Help Shelter Pets!
Purrfect Spots: Use It Up and Help Shelter Pets!: I am so excited to be part of the Island Batik Ambassador Alumni Group and even more thrilled that we get to talk about what we do with ...
Use It Up and Help Shelter Pets!
I am so excited to be part of the Island Batik Ambassador Alumni Group and even more thrilled that we get to talk about what we do with our leftover scraps! You have been reading posts all week long and there have been some fabulous projects that so many of our talented designers have shared. The links will be found at the bottom of this post.
My project is pretty simple and not real big! 12" x 18" and it is called a Kennel Quilt. Now many of you know that I am very much an animal lover and I use to be a disaster responder for The Humane Society of the United States. While working floods in North Carolina one year, I noticed that all the rescued kitties were sitting in their litter boxes in their kennels. Not a good thing for them. An interior designer contacted us and asked if we could use her carpet samples as she wanted to help! They were the "purrfect" size and as soon as the carpet samples went into the kennels, the kitties got out of there litter boxes. A light bulb moment for me!
Time passed and I soon found myself as the Marketing Director of The Quilt Pattern Magazine (TQPM) - an online only magazine (we are in our seventh year). The staff are all animal lovers and we wanted to help animals in some way. We made a Kennel Quilt pattern and offered it FREE on our website, so our readers could make one for their pets. I made one for the carriers when I took my kitties to the vet. Then everything changed!
Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast in the fall on 2012 and the devastation was unbelieveable. I remembered working the floods earlier and I knew many shelters had been affected. We contacted the Petfinder Foundation and they supplied us with names of shelters that needed help! We put out a call to our readers and over 100 Kennel Quilts were made. The Petfinder Foundation and TQPM decided to make this an ongoing project.
There are over 1500 volunteers in the US and Canada that have responded when we put out a call for Kennel Quilts for shelters in disaster zones! I am so happy to say that to date over 20,000 Kennel Quilts have been made! So many shelter pets helped.
And I might add that Island Batik is a proud partner of the TQPM Kennel Quilt Team.

Plus a kitty enjoying the Kennel Quilts from one of the shelters that received Kennel Quilts during the Colorado Fires. I am happy to report that "Penny" got adopted right after this picture was taken.

and still more featuring leftovers from my Signature Collection, Northern Woods by Kathy Engle for Island Batik.
To me this is just a great way to use up scraps and so many shelter pets reap the benefit of my leftovers. They don't care if the seams don't match or if the colors don't match (although with Island Batik - everything blends together beautifully). They just want a soft spot to nap and make biscuits. These are a wonderful size for cats, kittens, puppies and small dogs. Usually they are the ones in the shelters that are sometimes forgotten as the larger dogs get towels and blankets that are more readily available.
So what are you waiting for? Please join me, Use It Up and help a shelter pet. You can find all the information at Kennel Quilts. And when you do sign up, please let me know. I look forward to working with you in helping shelter pets.
Please be sure to check out all the fabulous projects that have been presented this week by my fellow Island Batik Ambassador Alumni. Here is the list:
Monday, April 16, 2018
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Mary Macks Blog (Thanks for visiting!)
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Friday, April 20, 2018
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Thank you for stopping by and remember Adopt, dont' shop!
Until next time,
Friday, April 20, 2018
Welcome to the Northern Woods "Furball"!
What a week it has been it has been sharing my Signature Collection, Northern Woods by Kathy Engle for Island Batik!
Molly Bear has been kept busy as well preparing for the Fabulous Furball today! I know she will be happy that after today, she can rest for awhile before stirring up some new delectable dishes! Here is what is on the Menu for today!
She starts off with the soup course and is serving her wonderful mushroom soup made from
Morels & More.
Next comes the salad and she is serving a delightful Fruit Salad!
Well after eating this healthy food, she is ready to serve dessert. Which will be your choice?
Butterscotch Ripple or
Chocolate Caramel Swirl or
Blueberry Cheesecake?
No matter which you choose, you will enjoy any of these with the gorgeous Island Batik Fabrics. They are available in the stores right now.
Molly Bear has loved having you join her this week and she hopes you will have a great weekend. Thanks for attending the Northern Woods Furball.
Dont' forget that some other fabric chefs have been busy this week as well and you can see all their wonderful treats here:
April 16: Nan Baker – Purrfect Spots
April 17: Margaret Willingham – Eye of the Beholder
April 18: Maria Hrabovsky – Maria’s Quilt Scraps
April 19: Karen Overton – The Quilt Rambler
April 20: Tina Dillard – Quilting Affection Designs
April 21: Joan Kawano – MooseStash Quilting
Island Batik is also sharing on their blog! There will be some nice treats that will be given away such as fabrics and patterns.
Until next time,
Molly Bear has been kept busy as well preparing for the Fabulous Furball today! I know she will be happy that after today, she can rest for awhile before stirring up some new delectable dishes! Here is what is on the Menu for today!

Morels & More.

Next comes the salad and she is serving a delightful Fruit Salad!

Well after eating this healthy food, she is ready to serve dessert. Which will be your choice?
Butterscotch Ripple or
Chocolate Caramel Swirl or
Blueberry Cheesecake?
No matter which you choose, you will enjoy any of these with the gorgeous Island Batik Fabrics. They are available in the stores right now.
Molly Bear has loved having you join her this week and she hopes you will have a great weekend. Thanks for attending the Northern Woods Furball.
Dont' forget that some other fabric chefs have been busy this week as well and you can see all their wonderful treats here:
April 16: Nan Baker – Purrfect Spots
April 17: Margaret Willingham – Eye of the Beholder
April 18: Maria Hrabovsky – Maria’s Quilt Scraps
April 19: Karen Overton – The Quilt Rambler
April 20: Tina Dillard – Quilting Affection Designs
April 21: Joan Kawano – MooseStash Quilting
Island Batik is also sharing on their blog! There will be some nice treats that will be given away such as fabrics and patterns.
Until next time,
Purrfect Spots: TGIF in the Northern Woods
Purrfect Spots: TGIF in the Northern Woods: Well it's Friday in the Northern Woods and Molly Bear is ready for the weekend. She has been such a busy bear making so many treats wi...
Thursday, April 19, 2018
TGIF in the Northern Woods
Well it's Friday in the Northern Woods and Molly Bear is ready for the weekend. She has been such a busy bear making so many treats with my Signature Collection by Kathy Engle for Island Batik. She plans to share them all Saturday at the Northern Woods "FurBall" with all her friends.
There will be dancing, singing and lots of fun for all who attend. She has made a very special dessert for this.

Molly hopes that you have enjoyed all her treats this weekend, but just so you don't forget, she plans to share them again on Saturday. She will be enjoying them will all her forest friends too.
Molly has more loved making all these treats and she is happy to have all the fabric chefs showing off their skills. Be sure and check them all out.
April 16: Nan Baker – Purrfect Spots
April 17: Margaret Willingham – Eye of the Beholder
April 18: Maria Hrabovsky – Maria’s Quilt Scraps
April 19: Karen Overton – The Quilt Rambler
April 20: Tina Dillard – Quilting Affection Designs
April 21: Joan Kawano – MooseStash Quilting
Island Batik will also be sharing on their blog! But there is more as there will be some nice treats that will be given away such as fabrics and patterns. And speaking of fabrics, the Northern Woods collection is now available in your favorite fabric shop? Be sure and ask for the Northern Woods collection!
Please come back tomorrow to join Molly Bear at the "FurBall" in the Northern Woods!
Until then,
Purrfect Spots: Wandering in the Northern Woods
Purrfect Spots: Wandering in the Northern Woods: Welcome to Day 4 of the Northern Woods Blog Hop featuring my Signature Collection by Kathy Engle for Island Batik! Let's continue wi...
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Wandering in the Northern Woods
Welcome to Day 4 of the Northern Woods Blog Hop featuring my Signature Collection by Kathy Engle for Island Batik! Let's continue with the adventures of the Northern Woods Bears, one in particular, who is a very clever bear! Her name is Molly.
Well Molly Bear decided she ate a little too much Butterscotch Ripple yesterday. It is time to get healthy again!
So she decided to wander in the Northern Woods to see what she could find.
Here is Molly along with Bob. He is leading the way while she follows and looks for some very special food for dinner. (This is not the Northern Woods fabric, but a different collection from Island Batik).
I made this quilt a few years ago and it hangs in my living room. You will notice all the animals in the green blocks around Molly & Bob.
Molly has more delights to share and so do all the fabric chefs. Here is the schedule:
April 16: Nan Baker – Purrfect Spots
April 17: Margaret Willingham – Eye of the Beholder
April 18: Maria Hrabovsky – Maria’s Quilt Scraps
April 19: Karen Overton – The Quilt Rambler
April 20: Tina Dillard – Quilting Affection Designs
April 21: Joan Kawano – MooseStash Quilting
Island Batik will also be sharing on their blog! But there is more as there will be some nice treats that will be given away such as fabrics and patterns. And speaking of fabrics, the Northern Woods collection is now available in your favorite fabric shop? Be sure and ask for the Northern Woods collection!
Please come back tomorrow to see what Molly Bear will do next!
Until then,

So she decided to wander in the Northern Woods to see what she could find.
Here is Molly along with Bob. He is leading the way while she follows and looks for some very special food for dinner. (This is not the Northern Woods fabric, but a different collection from Island Batik).
I made this quilt a few years ago and it hangs in my living room. You will notice all the animals in the green blocks around Molly & Bob.
The sky shows the Aurora Borealis. I just love this as it does depict all the wildlife in the Northern Woods.
While on their search for food, Molly found some lovely Morel Mushrooms or as I call it - Morels & More. She is going to make a lovely Mushroom Soup!
Such a clever bear!
But you don't have to wander all over the Northern Woods to find these mushrooms or this fabric. Check with your local quilt shop as they are both available now.
Molly has more delights to share and so do all the fabric chefs. Here is the schedule:
April 16: Nan Baker – Purrfect Spots
April 17: Margaret Willingham – Eye of the Beholder
April 18: Maria Hrabovsky – Maria’s Quilt Scraps
April 19: Karen Overton – The Quilt Rambler
April 20: Tina Dillard – Quilting Affection Designs
April 21: Joan Kawano – MooseStash Quilting
Island Batik will also be sharing on their blog! But there is more as there will be some nice treats that will be given away such as fabrics and patterns. And speaking of fabrics, the Northern Woods collection is now available in your favorite fabric shop? Be sure and ask for the Northern Woods collection!
Please come back tomorrow to see what Molly Bear will do next!
Until then,
Purrfect Spots: Sunshine in the Northern Woods
Purrfect Spots: Sunshine in the Northern Woods: Today is Day 3 of the Island Batik Northern Woods Blog Hop. I hope you have been enjoying all the beautiful quilts made from my Signature ...
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Sunshine in the Northern Woods
Today is Day 3 of the Island Batik Northern Woods Blog Hop. I hope you have been enjoying all the beautiful quilts made from my Signature Collection.
It was such a beautiful day filled with Sunshine and after a healthy salad yesterday, Molly Bear decided she needed something sweet.
So she made Butterscotch Ripple and even added Sprinkles. However these are not ordinary Sprinkles. Molly cut them in all shapes and sizes as she loves to create delicacies for all the woodland creatures.

She looked at all the wonderful colors and decided to make a sprinkle from each one. So many delicious flavors. Such a clever bear!
But after all this decorating, Molly decided to just sit in the sunshine and enjoy her dessert! Such a nice way to spend the day!
She has more delights to share and so do all the fabric chefs. Here is the schedule:
April 16: Nan Baker – Purrfect Spots
April 17: Margaret Willingham – Eye of the Beholder
April 18: Maria Hrabovsky – Maria’s Quilt Scraps
April 19: Karen Overton – The Quilt Rambler
April 20: Tina Dillard – Quilting Affection Designs
April 21: Joan Kawano – MooseStash Quilting
Island Batik will also be sharing on their blog! But there is more as there will be some nice treats that will be given away such as fabrics and patterns. And speaking of fabrics, the Northern Woods collection is now available in your favorite fabric shop? Be sure and ask for the Northern Woods collection!
But come back tomorrow to see what Molly Bear has done!
Until then,

It was such a beautiful day filled with Sunshine and after a healthy salad yesterday, Molly Bear decided she needed something sweet.
So she made Butterscotch Ripple and even added Sprinkles. However these are not ordinary Sprinkles. Molly cut them in all shapes and sizes as she loves to create delicacies for all the woodland creatures.

She looked at all the wonderful colors and decided to make a sprinkle from each one. So many delicious flavors. Such a clever bear!
But after all this decorating, Molly decided to just sit in the sunshine and enjoy her dessert! Such a nice way to spend the day!
She has more delights to share and so do all the fabric chefs. Here is the schedule:
April 16: Nan Baker – Purrfect Spots
April 17: Margaret Willingham – Eye of the Beholder
April 18: Maria Hrabovsky – Maria’s Quilt Scraps
April 19: Karen Overton – The Quilt Rambler
April 20: Tina Dillard – Quilting Affection Designs
April 21: Joan Kawano – MooseStash Quilting
Island Batik will also be sharing on their blog! But there is more as there will be some nice treats that will be given away such as fabrics and patterns. And speaking of fabrics, the Northern Woods collection is now available in your favorite fabric shop? Be sure and ask for the Northern Woods collection!
But come back tomorrow to see what Molly Bear has done!
Until then,
Purrfect Spots: The Northern Woods Story continues.....
Purrfect Spots: The Northern Woods Story continues.....: Welcome to Day 2 of the Northern Woods Blog Hop! If you read the story yesterday, you will remember that Molly Bear went all out and fixe...
Monday, April 16, 2018
The Northern Woods Story continues.....

from my Signature Collection, Northern Woods by Kathy Engle for Island Batik!
If you missed yesterday, you can read all about it now.

She soon realized that she needed to add some healthy treats as well, so she decided to make a Fruit Salad! She is such a clever bear!
Remember that everyday this week one of these fabric chefs will be sharing treats of their own. Here is the schedule:
April 16: Nan Baker – Purrfect Spots
April 17: Margaret Willingham – Eye of the Beholder
April 18: Maria Hrabovsky – Maria’s Quilt Scraps
April 19: Karen Overton – The Quilt Rambler
April 20: Tina Dillard – Quilting Affection Designs
April 21: Joan Kawano – MooseStash Quilting
Island Batik will also be sharing on their blog! But there is more as there will be some nice treats that will be given away too such as fabrics and patterns. And speaking of fabrics, the Northern Woods collection is now available in your favorite fabric shop? Be sure and ask for the Northern Woods collection!
But come back tomorrow as Molly Bear is still in the kitchen making more goodies!
Until then,
Purrfect Spots: A Northern Woods Story
Purrfect Spots: A Northern Woods Story: Welcome to my blog where I am going to share with you a tale of the Northern Woods. I only found out about this when I started ...
A Northern Woods Story
Welcome to my blog where I am going to share with you a tale of the Northern Woods.
I only found out about this when I started designing quilts with My Signature Collection, Northern Woods by Kathy Engle for Island Batik!
These colors are so rich and vibrant. Don't you agree?
Looking at these delicious fabrics, I began to think of chocolate, caramel, blueberry, butterscotch, etc. You get the idea.
How does this fit with the Northern Woods?
Here Emily Raccoon is making wonderful vanilla, chocolate, and mint cupcakes!
Just a small project. The "purrfect" size for her.

However, Molly Bear went all out and created some Blueberry Cheesecake!
This one is quite a treat.
However, she didn't stop there and neither will I. The rest of her treats will be shared with you all week long, not only by me but by a group of talented designers who made their treats with the Northern Woods collection.
Everyday this week one of these fabric chefs will be sharing treats of their own. Here is the schedule:
April 16: Nan Baker – Purrfect Spots
April 17: Margaret Willingham – Eye of the Beholder
April 18: Maria Hrabovsky – Maria’s Quilt Scraps
April 19: Karen Overton – The Quilt Rambler
April 20: Tina Dillard – Quilting Affection Designs
April 21: Joan Kawano – MooseStash Quilting
Island Batik will also be sharing on their blog! But there is more as there will be some nice treats that will be given away too such as fabrics and patterns. And speaking of fabrics, the Northern Woods collection is now available in your favorite fabric shop? Be sure and ask for the Northern Woods collection!
Please leave a comment and tell me your favorite flavor-Chocolate, Butterscotch, Caramel, Blueberry, Mint Chocolate or Pudding. We will have a drawing next Monday, April 23.
Meanwhile I will be blogging each day with another quilt treat that Molly Bear has made for her Northern Woods Friends.
Thank you for stopping by!
Until tomorrow,
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Purrfect Spots: My Signature Collection, Northern Woods
Purrfect Spots: My Signature Collection, Northern Woods: This week is very special as it is the Aurifil/Island Batik Week and I am so excited to be sharing my Signature Collection, Northern Wood...
My Signature Collection, Northern Woods
This week is very special as it is the Aurifil/Island Batik Week and I am so excited to be sharing my Signature Collection, Northern Woods, by Kathy Engle for Island Batik Fabrics. These are my favorite colors - Fall Colors and I was delighted to have the opportunity to work with such lovely fabrics.
I used Aurifil Threads on all my quilts as they blended together beautifully with the fabrics. Aren't all the colors just "purrfect"?
Butterscotch Ripple
Chocolate Caramel Swirl
Morels & More
Fruit Salad
But there is more as I asked some of my fellow designers if they wanted to design a quilt using these lovely fabrics. They of course were delighted.
Here is Prisms by Maria Hrabovsky of Maria Michaels Designs.
And then here is Yorkshire Pudding Table Runner and placemats by Margaret Willingham of Eye of the Beholder Quilt Design.
and Mint Chocolate Chip by Karen Overton of The Quilt Rambler.
And of course my collection would not be complete without Kennel Quilts. So I made two Kennel Quilts using all the colors from the collection. My rescue kitty, Gibbs is enjoying sleeping on these! Can you blame her?
I am also happy to say that both Aurifil and Island Batik are partners with The Quilt Pattern Magazine in the TQPM Kennel Quilt program which helps animal shelters and pets that have been affected by disasters. Since Hurricane Sandy almost 20,000 Kennel Quilts have been made and donated to help our furry friends.
Now you may be wondering how my quilts got their delicious names. Well you can read all about it on the Island Batik and Aurifil blogs today as both are talking about this wonderful collection.And did I mention there will be some great giveaways so be sure to visit their sites.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing my Signature Collection, Northern Woods. Please leave me a comment and let me know which is your favorite quilt as I will be giving away a free pdf. pattern to one lucky reader.
Thank you for stopping by.
Until next time,
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Four Seasons Blog Hop with Island Batik
Welcome to the Four Seasons Blog Hop featuring Island Batik's newest collections!
As an Island Batik Ambassador, I was sent lovely fabrics showcasing the latest collections that were introduced at Fall Market in Houston, TX. Each ambassador got a different collection and it was so much fun to see what was in the box when it arrived! I was so excited when I saw my collection. It is called Alpine Jingle. Look at these wonderful fabrics!
Aren't they happy and fun?
It just makes me smile looking at them. With all the little patterns of trees and diamonds and stars, I knew immediately what I had to do! Sweaters or cardigans as they are called in England!
A dear friend who just happens to be a former Island Batik Ambassador gave me more encouragement to make this design by knitting this cute little sweater and sending it to me. I just love it! Thank you, Maria!
One of the dogs from my dalmatian collection thought it was a "purrfect" fit! Doesn't he look sporty?
This a normal size coat hanger so you can see how tiny this little sweater is.
And so I introduce to you "Christmas Cards"! Isn't it fun?
Here is another view!
Here is the little sweater with my quilted sweaters! I used Aurifil Threads for all my applique and quilting!
I am having trouble picking out my favorite sweater!
Which one do you like? One of these or.......
or one of these or......................
Or maybe one of these! It is really hard to choose, isn't it!
I had so much fun making this pattern and it will be available early February. But before you go, there are lots of giveaways from the Four Seasons Blog Hop! I am going to give away several rolls of gorgeous Island Batik Fabric! (This is only good for those in the US.) All you have to do is let me know which is your favorite sweater in the comment box. Please leave your email address as well. I will pick a winner using
For those not in the US, I don't want to leave you out, so if you are the lucky winner, I will send a pdf. file of one of my latest patterns with Island Batik introduced at Quilt Market. It is from my Signature Collection, Northern Woods by Kathy Engle. I call it Blueberry Cheesecake!
But wait there is more. Island Batik is giving away four precuts from the collections you’ll see featured throughout
this hop! You can enter here.
All the Island Batik Ambassadors are "hopping" this month with lots of beautiful quilts and great giveaways! Be sure and check out each and every one. Here is the list:
Jan 8th
Jennifer from The Inquiring Quilter
Cheryl from Cheryl Lynch Quilts
Cheryl from Cheryl Lynch Quilts
Jan 9th
Carol from FunThreads Designs
Alison from Little Bunny Quilts
Tina from Quilting Affection Designs
Jean-Sophie from Sophie Junction
Alison from Little Bunny Quilts
Tina from Quilting Affection Designs
Jean-Sophie from Sophie Junction
Jan 10th
Jan 11th
Barb from Bejeweled Quilts
Nan from Purrfect Spots Designs
Nan from Purrfect Spots Designs
Jan 15th
Jan 16th
Jan 17th
Stephanie from Quilt’n PartyJessica from Desert Bloom Quilting
Jan 18th
Jan 22nd
Pamela from Pamela Quilts
Kate from Seams Like a Dream
Kate from Seams Like a Dream
Jan 23rd
Kathy from Kathy’s Kwilts and More
Janet from Whispers of Yore
Janet from Whispers of Yore
Jan 24th
Jan 25th
Jan 29th
Jan 30th
Jan 31st
Feb 1st
Joan from Moosestash Quilting
Vicki from Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting
Vicki from Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting
Thank you so much for stopping by and Good luck! Have a great year!
Until next time,
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