Monday, February 28, 2011
One more day!!!
Well he is so tired with all this waiting for The Quilt Pattern Magazine at to show his quilt on March 1. It has just been almost too much and he is giving me that pitiful look of "Please give me my quilt". He will be one happy cat tomorrow when at last he can sleep on his quilt! You won't want to miss any of the beautiful quilts, wonderful articles plus tips and stories with this new magazine. It is very affordable and there are 12 issues a year right at your fingertips. Please subscribe today so you can see his quilt.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
2 More Days!!!!
He said the box was too hard so it was back to his cushion in the window!! 2 more days and he can have his quilt and he is really excited about that. He wants you to see the quilt he loves and you can in The Quilt Pattern Magazine at on Tuesday, March 1. So if you don't have a subscription it is not to late. There are other lovely quilts as well as tips, articles and so much more. However, he thinks his quilt is "Purrfect"!!!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
3 More Days!!!!
He found a box on the shelf and thought it might be nice to just sit in the sun and think about his quilt that will appear in The Quilt Pattern Magazine at on March 1. It is only 3 more days and he is so excited. There is a lot of other good stuff in the magazine as well, so you better subscribe if you have not done so. But as far as he is concerned, his quilt is the best!!!!
Friday, February 25, 2011
4 more days!!!
He has moved from the dog chair to the computer chair. He wants to remind everyone that it is 4 more days until his quilt will appear in The Quilt Pattern Magazine at A little mew to say that it is a great way to go Green and to have lovely quilt designs right at your fingertips when you want them - especially his quilt in the March issue!!!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
5 more days!!!
Well, the shelf was just not that comfortable for him, so he chose to curl up in a cushy chair surrounded by dogs!
This is truly a PURRFECT SPOT! Anyway he is thinking that it is only 5 more days until he gets his quilt. It will be in The Quilt Pattern Magazine at along with other quilts, articles, tips, stories and new faces to see. However none will be like his, because it is his quilt!!!!
This is truly a PURRFECT SPOT! Anyway he is thinking that it is only 5 more days until he gets his quilt. It will be in The Quilt Pattern Magazine at along with other quilts, articles, tips, stories and new faces to see. However none will be like his, because it is his quilt!!!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
6 more days!!!
Well he thought this shelf would be comfortable, but it is not what he really likes. He wants his quilt which will appear in The Quilt Pattern Magazine on March 1. Only 6 more days and he is on countdown cause his quilt is soft unlike this shelf. There are so many goodies in this magazine and it is right on your screen and you print what you like. And he knows you will like his quilt!!!!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
7 More Days!!
He is having to sleep on the "Dog" rug as his quilt is not available for 7 more days. He can't wait until March 1 when The Quilt Pattern Magazine comes out with pictures of his quilt!!! Then he can enjoy it again. Please subscribe as there are wonderful designs, articles, tips plus so much more. But most of all you get to see "his" quilt!!!!
In the midst of the 10 day countdown, an unexpected surprise!
In the midst of the 10 day countdown for the March issue of The Quilt Pattern Magazine at in which a new design of mine will appear, I found out that another quilt of mine is going to be on The Wednesday Quilt Show at and I wanted to share. The name of the quilt is "Mr. & Mrs. Noah - Original Animal Disaster Planners". It is pieced as well as fusible applique. As with all my quilts, there is a story. As you may or may not know, I was a member of the Disaster Animal Response Team for The Humane Society of The United States and I worked quite a few disasters in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and New Mexico. It was one of the most meaningful times of my life. As a result of my participation with that group, I wrote The CASEY Plan (Caring for Animals Safely in Emergencies during the Year) which can be found on my website at and it is a national program. Because of my experiences in search and resuce, Animal Disaster Preparedness Education is a subject very near and dear to my heart and I have given seminars and workshops at different national conferences. I felt very strongly about sending a message through my quilt making and this is what evolved. I was in the process of making this when Hurricane Ivan was headed right for our area. We evacuated and of course I took all my quilt stuff with me. It was an awful hurricane and really hit Pensacola, FL and surrounding areas very hard. We were very blessed as we had minimal damage. Anyway there you have the story of that quilt!
O, Lord, what a variety you have made! And in wisdom you have made them all! The earth is full of your riches.
Psalm 104:24
Monday, February 21, 2011
8 more days!!!!
He is so glad it is only 8 more days until the March issue of The Quilt Pattern Magazine at is ready because he has had to resort to sleeping on the floor by the stairs instead of on his quilt. If you don't have a subscription, you better get one as there are great designs, articles, tips and so much more and one more thing this month - his quilt!!!!!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
9 more days!!!
He got so excited that in 9 more days his quilt was going to be in The Quilt Pattern Magazine at that he had to take a nap. If you haven't subscribed, you really need to as there are wonderful quilt patterns, articles, tips and lots more. And in case you are wondering, that is not the quilt behind him. That is another quilt that Purrfect Spots has to offer. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
10 more days!!
I am so excited as it is 10 more days (March 1) when my newest design will be appearing in The Quilt Pattern Magazine at so you need to subscribe if you haven't already and you need to tell all your quilting friends to do the same. The January & February issues have been really great with lots of wonderful patterns, great articles and tips! This is something you don't want to miss!
So go to their website and sign up. Meanwhile go to Purrfect Spots Facebook page and LIKE as I am posting new things everyday. See you there!
So go to their website and sign up. Meanwhile go to Purrfect Spots Facebook page and LIKE as I am posting new things everyday. See you there!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Another one of my quilt patterns and how it started!

A cross stitch design depicting my little pitchers.
Then came a needlepoint canvas! Then a quilt, then another quilt - only this time I used the method of Broderie Perse for the flowers!

Let me know what you think!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Purrfect Spots New Website is up and running!
Finally my new website is up and running. Please go to and let me know what you think!!
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